The story of Rudolph, a 13-year-old vampire whose lineage is threatened by a famous vampire hunter. He meets Tony, a mortal of the same age who is fascinated by old temples, cemeteries, and vampires. Tony assists Rudolph in action and humor, full of battles against their enemies, and together they save the Rudolph family and become friends. Rudolph has a problem. Not only is he 13 years old and a vampire, his whole family is threatened with extinction by the vicious Rookery hunter. Rudolph was lucky to meet 12-year-old Tony as a human. Rudolph takes Tony on his adventure of taking two boys to Transylvania and bringing their two families together to help them overcome each other's prejudices. Along the way, they face many dangers, and both monsters and humans must show courage and ingenuity. Together, they can defeat the evil demon hunters and eventually release their relatives.